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The maintenance of General Finnish Thesaurus YSA and its Swedish language counterpart Allärs ended in 2019. The vocabulary replacing these two is General Finnish Ontology YSO. Updates to YSO are no longer added to YSA or Allärs. YSO is a trilingual (Finnish, Swedish, English) machine-readable version of YSA and Allärs, enhanced with linked data capabilities. All YSA and Allärs concepts incude a link to a corresponding YSO concept.

Find more information on the transition from YSA to YSO here (in Finnish). Suggestions to YSO can be made here. For further information, please contact:

Concept information

työ > kotiansiotyö
työ > ansiotyö > kotiansiotyö

Preferred term


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 9/20/93, last modified 5/23/16

Exactly matching concepts

Allärs - Allmän tesaurus på svenska
YSO - Yleinen suomalainen ontologia